miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

That's racist!

Lista de comentarios que usualmente expresa un afroamericano adicto al crack en Oakland 
"ah crap"

"i don't give a shit, i don't take a shit,... i'm not in the shit business"

"screw that ass"

"Racial discrimination!!!"

"Religious discrimination!!!"

"Is it because i'm not a mormon ?"


"I think it's because i'm brown"

"I'm not fat.. I'm fluffy, you whore"

"Black and Brown are not the same color.. Therefore i'm not black and my dick is huge"

"It's so nice speaking a dead language.. you can curse and have a smile on your face and people will think you're just being nice..."

"HI..... assmunch!"

"I'll hold ur pants down... like in jail... and it hurts... i know, i was in jail"

"Don't worry.. they'll just think that we're Indians"

"Look it's probably a girl driving that car...dumb bitch... i'll definitely screw her ass so hard"

"I´m too fucking cool for the school ...ice cold killá"

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miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

That's racist!

Lista de comentarios que usualmente expresa un afroamericano adicto al crack en Oakland 
"ah crap"

"i don't give a shit, i don't take a shit,... i'm not in the shit business"

"screw that ass"

"Racial discrimination!!!"

"Religious discrimination!!!"

"Is it because i'm not a mormon ?"


"I think it's because i'm brown"

"I'm not fat.. I'm fluffy, you whore"

"Black and Brown are not the same color.. Therefore i'm not black and my dick is huge"

"It's so nice speaking a dead language.. you can curse and have a smile on your face and people will think you're just being nice..."

"HI..... assmunch!"

"I'll hold ur pants down... like in jail... and it hurts... i know, i was in jail"

"Don't worry.. they'll just think that we're Indians"

"Look it's probably a girl driving that car...dumb bitch... i'll definitely screw her ass so hard"

"I´m too fucking cool for the school ...ice cold killá"

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